GCh ATChC Lienroc Glowing Heart Vesper CGN Ag.N Ag.N.J Gold Ex.Standard Silver Ex.Gambler Silver Ex.Jumper Silver Ex.Snooker Bronze Ex.Steeplechase Bronze Ex.Relay Gold Award of Merit Silver Versatility Bronze Ex.Versatility RPT BDD DDX

[Roman version of Hesperus; meaning The Evening Star]
She is our first Vizsla. Vesper is a bitch from Lienroc owned by the wonderful Terri and Greg Corneil in the area of Hamilton in Ontario. She is high energy and love people. She’s a fast learner
and love all canine sports, she’s a good swimmer and is crazy about water. Like all Vizslas, she thinks she’s human and need attention. She must always be by your side and if possible even under
the blankets. Just like her mother, Marlee, Vesper is a clown that always finds a way to make us laugh.
Vesper is currently registered under the following organizations
Canadian Kennel Club - XE345056
- Agility Association Of Canada - #19074
- Canadian Disc Dog Association - 212114

Date of birth: March 6th 2010
OFA Hips #VZ-12692G27F-VPI "Good"
OFA Elbows #VZ-EL1543F27-VPI "Normal"
OFA Cardiac #VZ-CA353/27F/C-VPI-ECHO "Normal"
OFA Thyroïd #VZ-TH685/27F-VPI "Normal"
CERF #VZ-375011 "Normal"
Dam : CH Lienroc Grand Connemara FDJ
CHIC #57333
OFA Hips #VZ-11281G24F-VPI "Good"
OFA Elbows #VZ-EL1035F24-VPI "Normal"
OFA Cardiac #VZ-CA189/24F/C-VPI "Normal"
OFA Thyroïd #VZ-TH386/24F-VPI "Normal"
CERF #VZ-899/2009-25 "Normal"
Sire : CH Hubertus Quality Control FDJ
OFA Hips #VZ-10785G24M-VPI "Good"
OFA Elbows #VZ-EL899M24-VPI "Normal"
Pedigree from the Vizsla Database
- Group 3rd in her first Sanction Match (Judge Danick Dancause)
- Best of opposite in Sweeps at Vizsla Canada National Specialty Show (Judge Lola Nichol)*
*Murphy, Vesper’s brother, was the Best in Sweep - 1 Group 3rd (Judge Virginia Lyne)
- Championship (CH) completed on October 23rd 2011 at the Quebec SNAC (Judge Wendy Schira)
- Canine Good Neighbor (CGN) completed on April 14th 2012 at the Sherbrooke SNAC.
- Completed her RPT (Retrieval proficency test) on September 3rd at Guides Canins. She now can participate in DiscDog events.
- Completed her DD (Disc Dog) title on Novembre 3rd at Montréal Olympic Stadium during the SNAC competition.
- Completed her BDD (Basic Disc Dog) title on January 6th by obtaining her 4th Q at Saint-Eustache competition.
- Top 10 Vizsla in Canada for the year 2012 (7th place).
- August 2013, completed her 3 Q's for her Novice agility title in 4 tries.
- September 2013, completed her Novice Jumper agility title.
- October 2013, completed her SGDC (Starter Game Dog Of Canada) agility title (AAC)
- February 2014, completed her ADC (Agility Dog Of Canada) agility title (AAC)
- Top 5 CKC Agility Vizsla in Canada for 2013.
- Mai 2014, completed her AGDC (Agility Game Dog Of Canada) agility title (AAC)
- Mai 2014, completed her MGDC (Master Gambler Dog Of Canada) agility title (AAC)
- Mai 2014, completed her DDX (Disc Dog Excellent) frisbee title (CDDA)
- July 2014, completed her MSDC (Master Snooker Dog Of Canada) agility title (AAC)
- Septembre 2014, completed her conformation Grand Champion title.
- Septembre 2014, won Group 1st under judge Virginia Lyne at Chomedey Kennel Club
- Novembre 2014, completer her AADC (Advanced Agility Dog Of Canada) agility title (AAC)
- Novembre 2014, established a new personal dock diving record with a distance of 22' 11"
- February 2015, completed her Agility Champion of Canada Title (ATChC) at Chomedey Kennel Club
- February 2015, completed her Bronze Gambler Expertise title at Chomedey Kennel Club
- May 12th 2016, completed her MTRDC (Master Team Relais Dog Of Canada) agility title (AAC) at Guides Canins
- May 12th 2016, completed her MSCDC (Master Steeplechase Dog Of Canada) agility title (AAC) at Guides Canins
- January 8th 2016, completed her Bronze Award Of Merit at Montréal Agility Club.
- January 8th 2016, completed her Bronze Standard Expertise at Montreal Agility Club.
- February 19th 2016, completed her Bronze Snooker Expertise at Chomedey Kennel Club.
- February 19th 2016, completed her Bronze Versatility Award at Chomedey Kennel Club.
- May 17th 2016, completed her Bronze Jumper Expertise at Guides Canins.
- August 30th 2016, completed her Silver Gambler Expertise at Guides Canins.
- June 25th 2017, Won the regional agility championship in the 16" veteran division with highest cumulative score all categories included.
- August 29th 2017, completed her Silver Award Of Merit at Guides Canins
- August 29th 2017, completed her Bronze Steeplechase Expertise at Guides Canins.
- November 4th 2017, completed her Silver Standard Expertise at Guides Canins
- June 1st 2018, completed her Silver Jumper Expertise at Guides Canins.
- June 24th 2018, Won the regional agility championship in the 16" veteran divsion.